Why I Give

Sandy Grambow, RN, BSN, had her sights set on working for the Howard Young Medical Center (HYMC) from the beginning of her career. On August 2, 1976she started at Lakeland Memorial Hospital and helped transfer patients through the tunnel to the brand new HYMC in 1977.
In 1984, the Howard Young Foundation (HYF) was establishedandSandy has been a regular donor ever since. She has seen firsthand the benefits that patients receive thanks to hospital equipment and facility upgrades made possible through the HYF and the generosity of the community and hospital.
Currently working as an ambulatory surgical/pain management nurse at HYMC, Sandy approaches her work with the wisdom earned through her 40+ years of nursing, a dose of humor and a passion to help others.
Sandy has seen firsthand how the Foundation’s investments in the hospital have benefited patients.
“As a nurse, I have taken care of patients who have had surgery using the DaVinci robot,” Sandy remarked. “I notice that there's less pain and the patient recovers more quickly than if they had a traditional surgery with an incision through all the muscle.”
She’s also a fan of 3-D mammography. “Now with the digital mammograms, it seems like it's done quicker,” she said. “It doesn't hurt as much, and the room was redone to give it a homey feel.”
Sandy had anaplasmosis, a tick-borne illness, a couple years ago and said it was debilitating. She is excited to have the Open Medicine Institute & Howard Young Foundation Tick-borne Illness Center of Excellence at HYMC.
Sandy allocates a portion of each paycheck to the work of the Foundation.
“I’ve been doing it for over 30 years, and don't even notice anymore. It comes right out of my check and it’s not that much,” Sandy said. “But if there's a special need out there, I’ll contribute more than I usually do just because I think that's the right thing to do.”
Sandy had always wanted to be an RN, and credits HYMC with helping her achieve that goal years ago by assisting with her tuition.
“I feel I was helped immensely,” Sandy stated. “Now I can do that for other people whether the money is going for education, to purchase a needed piece of equipment or hospital upkeep. It's my turn to give back to an institution that did so much for me.”
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The Legacy of a New Generation
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