By Land and Air

All hospitals rely on philanthropy, and our local non-profit hospitals are no different. Over the years, lifesaving investments made by donors have helped the Emergency Department (ED) provide the best possible care in the Northwoods. From the MedEvac hangar to most recently the Phillips IntelliView X3 patient monitors, the Howard Young Foundation (HYF) and our generous donors make sure hospital staff havethe tools they need to provide the best care possible.
“Providing a high level of care to the more rural parts of our service area is an important part of Aspirus’ commitment toprovide quality care across the system,” said Jesse Tischer, Aspirus Senior Vice President and President, Regional Markets. “One way we do this is with our Emergency Medical Services, or EMS.”
EMS is an extension of quality healthcare. Aspirus MedEvac critical care ground and air medical transport, paramedic intercept services and community-based ambulance services provide comprehensive EMS to Aspirus facilities.
Jesse cantestify firsthand to the commitment and dedication of the Aspirus ED, EMS and MedEvac transport teams. With experience as a paramedic and flight paramedic he can be found on occasion working alongside these vital community resources.
“I enjoy actively engaging with our staff and communities by my continued practice as a certified flight paramedic,” Jesse said. “Each time,I am amazed by the opportunity to connect with patients, physicians and other staff from a differentvantage point. My shifts in the Northwoods give me the chance to directly impact individual patients and witness the exceptional quality of care.”
Aspirus MedEvac is a prime example of the Aspirus commitment to expanding services in the Northwoods. The hangar located at Howard Young Medical Center now serves as the home base forMedEvac Air 1, the Aspirus Bell 407 helicopter. The commitment of our generous donors played a leading role in the hangar’s development in 2014. The hangar is an integral part of an emergency and patient medical transportation force that has now doubled in size with the Aspirus acquisition of former Ascension Wisconsinfacilities.
“We want people to know that when they are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, they can be quickly transported to where they can receive the best and most appropriate level of care,” said Jason Keffeler, Aspirus MedEvac System Director.
Using cardiac care as an example, EMS units can perform a 12-lead Electrocardiogram (EKG) at the scene, send it to the emergency department in advance and begin the process of activating further treatment or transportation in advance which improves patient outcomes.
“Integrated EMS and medical transportation systems offer significant advantages,” said Heong P’ng, MD, medical director of emergency services at Howard Young Medical Center. “Every second counts and we utilize well established best practices with specific goals to guide our care.”
These goals incorporate guidance from groups like the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. A common one recommends that certain protocols are followed to ensure that cardiac patients identified as needing a higher level of care and transport receive this within 120 minutes from the first medical contact. The EDs at Howard Young Medical Center and throughout the Aspirus system consistently exceed this goal. For instance, a recent cardiac transfer case from Woodruff to Aspirus Wausau in only 93 minutes.
“All of our staff and EMS partners have been educated on these protocols which results in a team effort that ultimately improves access to care for patients,” said Dr. P’ng.
That access includes a direct connection to the Level 2 Trauma Center at Aspirus Wausau Hospital which was recently re-verified by the American College of Surgeons (ACS). Aspirus has a comprehensive trauma program that ensures the appropriate level of care is provided at each location.
Working together, Howard Young Medical Center, Aspirus EMS, the Howard Young Foundation and our generous donors ensure that Northwoods patients receive the best medical care possible.
You can support cutting-edge healthcare technology and emergency care by donating to the Howard Young Medical Center’s Greatest Needs fund at
Read more stories from our Summer 2022 Defining Moments Magazine HERE.
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